A correction leading to a downturn is likely before serious issues are resolved, such as: Central Banks are in a Blind Alley Central banks can not readily afford to be even more accommodating than they already are towards any market downturns. Even without doing anything much they are reneging on their overdue expectations to withdraw liquidity and tighten rates. The main support they can offer is confidence in their operations but this confidence will not last for long in the face of ineffective action during a market downturn. Insanely low Volatility The market has become a reflection of algo driven automated trading, relying on mean reverting methods with an emphasis to dampening volatility. This is not a normal state. Never before has the vix been so low, so much for so long. This is for both realised and implied or anticipated volatility. This is indicative of a central bank controlled and manipulated market. ...
Watching for the Black Swans